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Family Update

Quote of the Week

“Love truth, but pardon error.” 



Dear Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend as much as I did!  As much I enjoy the time off, I looked forward to seeing our Superstars return to school on Tuesday.  It was another busy week here at Walnut Square.  Progress reports went home on Tuesday, and parent conferences were on Thursday.  If you weren’t able to meet on Thursday, please contact your child’s teacher to schedule a time to meet in person, virtual, or via phone.  Today our Kindergarten Superstars went on a field trip to learn about fire safety!  There is always so much learning and growing, and your support with building the habit of good attendance is appreciated.  Please click on the picture below to see this week’s attendance rate (or click on this link: wsq attendance 10-18-24).  

If you’re looking for something fun to do tomorrow morning at 9:30, I’ll be leading a hike for “Let’s Hike Haverhill” around Lake Pentucket!  Here is the link with more information:

Next week is another busy week- there is an early release day on Wednesday, October 23rd (dismissal is 11:35 am)  and we will be celebrating Pumpkin Day on Friday, October 25th!  Students will be participating in lessons and activities to celebrate National Pumpkin Day  (observed on 10/26).  At 2:40 pm, students will march in a parade, and families are invited to watch!  They have the choice to dress up in orange or a costume.  Notices went home this week about Pumpkin Day and if there will be changes to your child’s dismissal that day.  We kindly ask that all students wait until 3:15  for dismissal to ensure all of our Superstars get home safely.  A copy of the notices is below.

Pumpkin Day does not end at 3:15…we hope you’ll join the Walnut Square PTO from 4:00-6:00 pm at Kimball Farm!

Thank you to for completing the Walnut Square’s Fall 2024 Family Feedback survey.  If you haven’t completed it yet, please take a moment to complete this brief, ten-question survey.  Your valuable feedback is greatly appreciated and shared with staff, Site Council, and PTO to improve Walnut Square School by celebrating success, identifying educational needs, and helping decision-making regarding the development of next year’s School Improvement Plan.  Your input will play a significant role and is very much appreciated!      Please click here to complete the survey. 

If you didn’t watch the Walnut Square news this week, here is the link:

The Haverhill Boys and Girls Club is hosting an afterschool Kids Club at Walnut Square.  Please click on the flyer below for more details and contact information if you are interested in enrolling your child.

As with all family updates, this will be posted on our school website, and sent to you via Parent Square and Remind.  In addition to the Walnut Square School website, you can also “like” our Facebook page, Walnut Square Elementary School, follow us on Instragram, @walnutsquaresuperstars, and/or follow my channel on YouTube, @jenrubera, to get updates and see all of the fun and learning taking place at Walnut Square!   Please contact me if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful weekend!


Jen Rubera 




The Walnut Square School PTO (Parent Teacher Organization):  The PTO is a group of families, educators, and Walnut Square Alumni who work together to raise funds to plan enrichment activities and purchase resources to support students. 


School Site Council:  The Site Council is a balanced group of educators, families, and community members who meet monthly.  The School Site Council assists the principal in:


Join Parent Square!  

Technology:  Please click here to learn more and sign up for the Device Waiver Fee:

Mark Your Calendar!  **Subscribe to our Google Calendar!  

  •  Wed 10/23 • Early Release Day- Dismissal is 11:35 am
  •  Fri 10/25 • Pumpkin Day

Early Release Dates: 

  • On Early Release Days, student dismissal time is 11:35 am.
    • Wednesday, October 23rd 
    • Wednesday, November 27th 
    • Wednesday, January 8th
    • Wednesday, March 12th
    • Wednesday, April 9th 
    • Friday, May 23rd 

District and Community Updates: