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Family Update

Dear Families,

It was another great week at Walnut Square!  On Monday, we had a Title 1 and PTO Art Night Event that was a huge success!  Thank you to PTO members Sarah LoVasco and Kym Safran for chairing this event creating an amazing evening that incorporated literacy as students and their families created art!  I would also like to thank PTO members Evelyne Cascio, Alicia Korinow, and Morry Korinow for helping with logistics and coordinating dinner from Romano’s pizza!  Thank you to Hvaerhill High School National Honor Society members Chloe and Sienna for volunteering their time, and thank you to the following staff members who were able to attend this awesome Title 1 and PTO event:  Shannon Luttig, Lauren Abreu, Chris O’Leary, Suzanne Hughes, Lori Davis, Crystal Burrill, and Alicia Korinow!  I loved spending time with our Superstars and their families and truly love being a part of this school community!

If you attended and have, please click on tn’t yet completed the Title 1 Evaluation, please click on this link to complete the brief survey:;n.  If you weren’t able to attend but are interested in extending art and literacy at home, here are the family resources that were shared with families last night:

During the month of March, Haverhill Public Schools is hosting an attendance contest where students can earn prizes!  Congratulations to Lizzie in grade 2 for winning this week’s prize- an HPS water bottle and a Bluetooth speaker!  Please click on the links below to view the flyers.

Our school attendance rate for the month of March continues to be strong 95.28%!  Hopefully we can maintain this momentum with everyone’s good health. To view our daily attendance rates for this week, please click on the picture below.

Thank you all for your support in helping your children learn and grow.  Have a wonderful weekend!


Jen Rubera



The Haverhill Boys and Girls Club is hosting an afterschool Kids Club at Walnut Square.  Please click on the flyer below for more details and contact information if you are interested in enrolling your child.


The Walnut Square PTO  is having a Walnut Square t-shirt fundraiser from now until March 27th.  Here is the link to order:  

Thank you to all who were able to able yesterday’s Title and PTO Art Night at Walnut Square event!  It was an amazing collaboration between families and staff, and we hope you enjoyed it!  Thankt you to the families who completed the Title 1 Evaluation yesterday evening.  If you attended and haven’t yet responded, please click on this link to complete the brief evaluation:;n.  If you weren’t able to attend but are interested in extending art and literacy at home, here are the family resources that were shared with families last night:

Walnut Square PTO:


Shine Bright Reader Tips from Ms. Dullea

Kindergarten students have been focusing on the settings of stories. While reading with your child, focus on the illustrations and use the sentence starter I notice ___ to talk about what you notice about where the story takes place. Wind is a powerful force is a focus of first grade and they read Feel the Wind to help them learn details about this fact. Ask your child to share some of the details they learned in class. Second graders are hard at work sorting out main topics and key details. While they read at home, have them share some key details with you and what they think the main topic would be based on those details. Using the book Moonshot the third graders were hunting for language that the author kept repeating about the moon and earth to help them determine the essential meaning of the moon and earth. As you read at home, have your child share any language that the author of that book is repeating and what they think might be the essential meaning of the repeated words.



Please make sure students have an extra change of clothes in their backpacks.  We are low on clothes in our clothes closet.


MARK YOUR CALENDAR!  **Subscribe to our Google Calendar!  

  • Wednesday, March 19th:  PreSchool, Kindergarten, and Community Fair at Pentucket Lake School 5:00-7:30 pm
  • Tuesday, March 25th:  Class Picture Day!
  • Wednesday, March 26th:  MCAS Grade 3 ELA Session 1
  • Thursday, March 27th:  Standards Based Report Card Focus Group:  5:30 pm Pentucket Lake Library

April 2025

  • Wednesday, April 2nd:  MCAS Grade 3 ELA Session 2
  • Monday, April 7th:  PTO and Site Council Meetings 5:00-7:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 9th:  Early Release- dismissal is 11:35 am
  • Monday, April 14th:  PTO Art Show/Fundraiser **Details are coming soon!
  • Friday, April 18th:  No School- Holiday
  • Monday, April 21st-Friday, April 25th:  No School Spring Recess
  • Wednesday, April 30th:  MCAS Math Grade 3 Session 1

May 2025

  • Monday, May 5th:  PTO and Site Council Meetings 5:00-7:00 pm
  • Monday, May 5th-Friday, May 9th:  Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
  • Wednesday, May 7th:  MCAS Grade 3 Math Session 2
  • Friday, May 23rd:  Early Release- dismissal is at 11:35 am
  • Monday, May 26th:  No School Memorial Day

Early Release Dates: 

  • On Early Release Days, student dismissal time is 11:35 am
    • Wednesday, March 12th
    • Wednesday, April 9th 
    • Friday, May 23rd 

District and Community Updates:  

  • Haverhill Community Resources:  This link provides many resources in our community to support families.
  • Registration for Riverside-Bradford Little League is now open. All children in the City of Haverhill are eligible to participate. Registration closes on March 8, 2025. Visit and click on the registration page for more details.Buddy Ball registration is also open. The Buddy Ball Division is for individuals ages 5-21 with various cognitive or physical disabilities that impact their ability to participate in other RB divisions with same-aged peers independently. Please email so