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Family Update

Quote of the Week

“The greater danger for most of us, is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”


Dear Families,

This week we finished strong in September and rolled into October!  Our attendance rate for the last day of September was 96.91%!  Our monthly attendance average for September is 96.59%.   That is amazing!  Thank you all for your commitment in making school attendance a priority for your child.  I’m excited to announce that Mrs. O’Leary’s classroom won the attendance contest and will celebrate with an attendance breakfast on Friday, October 11th at 9:30 am.  Invitations went home and RSVPs were due today.  If you didn’t RSVP but would like to attend, please contact me as soon as possible to let me know so we can have enough food.

Fall is here and it is time to complete Walnut Square’s Fall 2024 Family Feedback survey.  Please take a moment to complete this brief, ten question survey.  Your valuable feedback is greatly appreciated and shared with staff, Site Council, and PTO to improve Walnut Square School by celebrating success, identifying educational needs, and helping decision-making regarding the development of next year’s School Improvement Plan.  Your input will play a significant role and is very much appreciated!

Please click here to complete the survey. 

Our school nurses, will be starting the Vision and Screenings next week.  Please remind children to bring/wear their glasses to school.  Any student that does not pass the screening will have a referral sent home.

The Haverhill Boys and Girls Club is hosting an afterschool Kids Club at Walnut Square.  Please click on the flyer below for more details and contact information if you are interested in enrolling your child.

This weekend, there is a wonderful community event happening in Haverhill- the Family Nature Series at Bailey Reservation in Haverhill.  It’s on Saturday, 10/5, from 10-11:30 am.  You can click on the link for more information:  

As with all family updates, this will be posted on our school website, and sent to you via Parent Square and Remind.  In addition to the Walnut Square School website, you can also “like” our Facebook page, Walnut Square Elementary School, follow us on Instragram, @walnutsquaresuperstars, and/or follow my channel on YouTube, @jenrubera, to get updates and see all of the fun and learning taking place at Walnut Square!   Please contact me if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful weekend!


Jen Rubera 



Rubera’s Reading Recommendation:  Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing by April Jones Prince 

**This book is an Everyone Book- all ages can enjoy this book!  

It took 14 years to build the Brooklyn Bridge- the bridge that connects New York and Brooklyn.  But was it safe?  Would 21 elephants crossing the bridge prove it to the skeptics and doubtors?  Read this beautiful picture book to find out!

I love this picture book because of the rich descriptive and academic vocabulary:  gawking, pillars, infinite, arches, current, exquisite, trusswork, massive, sauntered, pachyderm, procession, companions, and savored.

Questions for Discussion:  

  • What do you like about the book?
  • What vocabulary interested you?
  • Can you find New York and Brooklyn on a map?
  • Which state is New York City located in, and what about Brooklyn?


The Walnut Square School PTO (Parent Teacher Organization):  The PTO is a group of families, educators, and Walnut Square Alumni who work together to raise funds to plan enrichment activities and purchase resources to support students. 

The PTO is  beginning the Dollar Fundraiser starting on Tuesday, September 10th and ending on Monday, October 7th.  Here are copies of the handouts you will receive with an envelope: 


School Site Council:  The Site Council is a balanced group of educators, families, and community members who meet monthly.  The School Site Council assists the principal in:

  • Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards
  • Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school
  • Reviewing the annual school building budget
  • Formulating a school improvement plan:  Walnut Square School Improvement Plan 2024-2025

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule with Agendas and Meeting Minutes


Join Parent Square!  

Technology:  Please click here to learn more and sign up for the Device Waiver Fee:

Mark Your Calendar!  **Subscribe to our Google Calendar!  

  • Mon 10/7 • PTO and Site Council Meetings (Site Council is 4:00-5:00 pm in person and PTO 5:00-6:00)
    • Site Council Agenda
  • Mon 10/7 • PTO Dollar Fundraiser Due
  • Fri 10/11 • Attendance Breakfast Celebration
  • Mon 10/14 • No School-Holiday
  •  Tue 10/15 • PreK-8 Progress Reports Issued- 1st Trimester
  •  Thu 10/17, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm • PreK-8 Parent Teacher Conferences
  •  Wed 10/23 • Early Release Day- Dismissal is 11:35 am
  •  Fri 10/25 • Pumpkin Day

Early Release Dates: 

  • On Early Release Days, student dismissal time is 11:35 am.
    • Wednesday, October 23rd 
    • Wednesday, November 27th 
    • Wednesday, January 8th
    • Wednesday, March 12th
    • Wednesday, April 9th 
    • Friday, May 23rd 

District and Community Updates: