Family Update: Haverhill’s Annual City Wide Earth Day Clean Up RSVP

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead 

Dear Families,

Haverhill’s Annual City Wide Earth Day Clean Up is scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 2024 starting at 9:00 am.  Walnut Square participated last year, and we were part of a team that helped to clean Lake Pentucket.  This year, to support the theme of “City Spaces and Historical Places,” Walnut Square will be cleaning and sprucing up the Walnut Square grounds as well as the Fred Butterfield Square park.  If you’re not familiar with the park, it is the small “pocket park” that is right next to Walnut Square!  This is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to team up with our Haverhill community and do our part to help!

To RSVP, please click on the link:

I hope you will be able to join us!  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Jen Rubera


Please see the information from Haverhill’s Brightside that has been posted on the Facebook Event:

This year’s theme is, “City Spaces and Historical Places” The committee has been actively meeting since the first of the year to organize our best Clean Up yet! Winter hasn’t been all that bad! Opening Day is just around the corner, and believe it or not the Marathon is four weeks away!
The Clean Up continues to attract more and more volunteers each year. In 2023 we had a great day and well over 400 volunteers! The neighborhood groups continue to come out in force to help beautify their respective neighborhoods. I know my neighborhood, the Highlands, looked great after the Clean Up as there were three groups active in the cleanup.
Our theme this year is about the small “pocket parks” and other lesser known and used areas that are often overlooked, but still need attention. You would be surprised as to how many “neighborhood” green spaces are scattered throughout the City!
As I have said in the past, this is a great opportunity to get out and really be part of your community and make a difference. Whether you are helping out in our downtown area, one of our neighborhoods or local parks, it is just a great way to welcome Spring and feel good about our City. Believe me you DO make a difference!