Family Update

Dear Families,

We’ve had another great week learning and growing at Walnut Square!  Students are practicing important safety routines and procedures.  Today the Haverhill Fire Department conducted a fire drill, and there was also a “Hold/Stay in Place” procedure.  Next Wednesday, we have an early release day- dismissal is at 11:35 am.  More calendar events are listed below.  

During morning drop off, there is a specific area on North Ave. (between the signs) for parents to drop off their students.  Please note, this is not a place to park.  It is a place where families can pull up, and students are able to exit the cars safely.  If you’d like to park and stay to watch our morning routine, please park on North Ave. outside of this zone or on one of the side streets.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, we will held our first PTO and Site Council meeting on Google Meet.  Thank you to those who joined us!  We discussed plans for upcoming events and fundraisers!  One event that we have scheduled is on Thursday, October 12th beginning at 4:00 pm.  It is “Bring Your Own Garden Tool” to help beautify the grounds at Walnut Square.  I have purchased some bulbs to plant now so we will have some beautiful (and pollinator friendly) flowers in the spring!  If you’d like to bring some bulbs to plant as well, that would be appreciated!  You can visit to learn more about the Walnut Square PTO and see the schedule of meetings and meeting minutes.  

The PTO is also began the Dollar Fundraiser on Monday, September 18th; it will end on Friday, October 13th.  Here are copies of the handouts you received with an envelope: 

As with all family updates, this will be posted on our school website, and sent to you via School Messenger and Remind.  In addition to the Walnut Square School website, you can also “like” our Facebook page, Walnut Square Elementary School, follow us on Instragram, @walnutsquaresuperstars, and/or follow my channel on YouTube, @jenrubera, to get updates and see all of the fun and learning taking place at Walnut Square!   Please contact me if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful long weekend, and I look forward to seeing you when school resumes on Tuesday, September 5th.  Thank you!  



Jen Rubera 



District and Community Resources

September is Library Card Month!

With access to technology, innovative programming, and educational resources, a library card gives students of all ages the tools to succeed in school. Best of all, it has so many amazing books!  To celebrate Library Card Month, take a picture with your library card and email it to  If you don’t have one, you can apply for one here:  The Haverhill Public Library is one of my favorite places to visit…maybe I’ll see you there sometime!  

September is also Attendance Awareness Month!  To celebrate Attendance, the Attendance Awareness Breakfast Contest is on!   The homeroom with the best attendance for the month of September will be honored with breakfast at school to thank them for making getting to school a priority in their home. There will also be special guests in attendance!  Daily attendance routines can reduce stress, increase your child’s self-confidence, and lay a foundation for good attendance in later grades.  Participation in school helps your child connect with other children and adults and get excited about learning.  Children learn best from hand-on activities and through meaningful interactions with their teacher and other students.  Give your child one of the best gifts possible- the gift of daily school attendance!  


Haverhill Promise Book Buddies 

Please visit to learn more about the program and what you can to if you’re interested in volunteering.  The link to the Sign-Up form is here:


Superstars Monthly Theme:  Safety 

For our Superstars at Walnut Square, our monthly theme is safety.  School is a safe place where all students can learn and grow.  To stay safe, we follow school rules.   School rules are basic expectations on how you behave at school.  They are in effect at all times.  We have rules to keep everyone safe and help everyone learn.  We have two rules at Walnut Square:  

1:  Follow directions given by grown ups.  

  1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.  


During the month of September, we will be teaching and reviewing rules as well as teaching routines (what students do frequently throughout the day and procedures (the steps students need to take in order to accomplish a routine).  Discussing rules, routines, and procedures at home with your child is a great way to help support your child in school!  


Technology Updates 


Grade 1 and 2 students, please bring your Chromebooks and chargers with you to school if you haven’t done so. If you have lost or misplaced your charger, you may purchase a new one for $39.00.  Please contact Mrs. Greene if you have any questions.  

HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. Families have the option to sign up during the month of September: information is also posted on the Parent and Student Resources page and the HPS Technology page.  For a copy of the HPS Student Device Policy, please click here:  HPS Student Device Policy English  HPS Student Device Policy Spanish.  


Mark Your Calendar!

  • Wednesday, September 27th:  Early Release Day (Dismissal is at 11:35 am) 
  • Friday, October 6th:  Attendance Breakfast Contest Celebration
  • Thursday, October 12th: BYOGT Bring Your Own Garden Tool and bring some bulbs to plant around the grounds of Walnut Square School 
  • Friday, October 13th:  PTO Dollar Fundraiser Due 
  • Wednesday, October 18th:  Title 1 Fall Nature Walk with Pentucket Lake and JG Whittier 
  • Wednesday, October 25th:  K-8 Progress Reports Issued 
  • Wednesday, October 25th:  Early Release (Dismissal is at 11:35 am) 
  • Wednesday, October 25th: PTO Meeting 
  • Wednesday, October 25th: Site Council Meeting 
  • Thursday October 26th:  PreK-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • Friday, October 27th:  Pumpkin Day/Pumpkin Parade